Mapping Your Future: The greatest benefit of education that you may not expect


The greatest benefit of education that you may not expect

By Catherine Mueller

September 06, 2018

When you decided to pursue higher education, you probably did so with specific goals in mind.

Maybe you wanted to earn a lot of money or maybe you dreamed of accomplishing a career goal. What you may not yet realize is that one of the great benefits of an education has nothing to do with earning money or working in a specific career.

Sure, career and financial goals are important and those are very good reasons to pursue higher education. What may surprise you is that your education provides you a benefit that may mean more to you throughout your life. That benefit is a greater quality of life.

Quality of life issues often not tangible issues - it's more a feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction in your life. It has to do with engagement with and admiration of people, arts, and culture in the world around you. Your job and financial situation can help lead to greater life satisfaction, but that is only part of the picture.

With higher education comes greater understanding and greater appreciation, and isn't that what we all want in life?