Mapping Your Future: Tip of the Week


Mapping Your Future Newsletter: Tip of the Week
Mapping Your Future

Tip of the Week

April 19, 2023

A unique ability

Are you worried about losing your job to artificial intelligence?

Well, take heart.

I asked Chat GPT about whether it would take over the job of a financial aid professional, and it said it’s possible it will take over some job functions but won’t be able to completely replace the role. Quoting Chat GPT:

“Financial aid professionals have a unique set of skills and knowledge that cannot be easily replicated by AI. They provide personalized guidance to students and families on complex financial aid processes, interpret complex regulations, and make informed decisions based on the student's individual circumstances.”

Whew! There you have straight from the mouth of artificial intelligence.

But I would argue, it’s more than just skills and knowledge. Financial aid professionals have the uniquely human capability to see things from a student’s perspective. And financial aid professionals have the will to go beyond a prescribed set of algorithms to help another human being.

And that’s something no robot can do.

– By Catherine Mueller



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