Middle and High School Counselors Guide to Life After High SchoolLearn about careers, academic preparation for college, how to pay for college, and managing your financial life after high school graduation Help Families Find Resources to Complete the FAFSAReview the list of state-specific FAFSA completion sites Downloads and FormsAccess a variety of flyers and publications to educate your students ABCs of Being a Good Student(Download PDF)The ABCs aren’t just for younger students Money Management for Students Presentation (Download PDF)Use this presentation to educate your students on money management topics Scholarship Search Tips Flyer (Download PDF)Help your students find ways to pay for college using these scholarship search tips CalculatorsAccess the Mapping Your Future calculators GlossaryTerms and acronyms for college and financial aid Success in College GuideHigh school students should plan to succeed in college Senior Year College Planning CalendarMonth-by-month tasks for high school seniors College Planning Tips for JuniorsHigh school juniors should start planning for college