Manage Your Money Establish Yourself FinanciallyTake these basic steps to get established financially Save MoneyEstablishing a savings account can help you handle the uncertainties of life Manage Your Student Loan DebtLearn how to repay your student loans, no matter how much you borrowed. Income-Based Repayment CalculatorEstimate your monthly payment amount under the income-based repayment plan for various federal student loans Student Loan Debt/Salary WizardCalculate the salary needed to pay your student loan debt Understanding Take-Home PayUnderstanding your paycheck and net pay is essential to understanding where you stand financially Using Your Credit Cards WiselyReview our tips for using credit cards wisely 12-Step Guide to Financial Success (Download PDF)Review these money management tips Student Loan Repayment CalculatorEstimate your student loan payments under the standard repayment plan Start BudgetingTake the steps necessary to manage your money Review and Understand Your Credit ReportYour credit report is a collection of information about you and your credit history Budget CalculatorDevelop a saving and spending plan CalculatorsAccess the Mapping Your Future calculators