Five reasons to complete the FAFSA

By Catherine Mueller

Computer keyboard with FAFSA button

Completing the FAFSA can make the difference when it comes to pursuing your dreams for the future.

For many students, who couldn’t otherwise afford the cost of an education, the FAFSA makes it possible. If you haven’t completed the 2024-25 FAFSA, here are some reasons why you should:

  1. Expand your options. The FAFSA opens up educational opportunities without requiring a commitment. Even if you aren’t sure yet what you want to pursue, knowing what funds you could receive for your education gives you an understanding of all the options available to you.
  2. Avoid missing out on free money for your education. Find out if you qualify for need-based federal financial aid. Completing the FAFSA will determine your eligibility for need-based aid, including Federal Pell Grants and state or institutional programs. By not completing the FAFSA, you may be leaving money on the table.
  3. Meet basic eligibility requirements for federal student loans. The FAFSA is the first step in borrowing federal student loans. Although you should seek grants and scholarships first, complete the FAFSA in case you need to borrow money for your education.
  4. Qualify for other types of financial aid. Besides federal aid, the FAFSA is a basic requirement for many types of financial aid, including state programs, school or college funding, and even some private foundation scholarships.
  5. Save time and money. Completing the FAFSA online is fast and easy. Don’t let challenges with the form delay your pursuit of an education, which could cost you more time and money in the long run. If you need help with the FAFSA, contact Mapping Your Future.

Because financial aid could be critical to your success, it’s important to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible and start planning your future.

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