March tasks for high school seniors

By Beth Ziehmer

A young man and an older man looking at paperwork

As your senior year gets closer to winding down, make sure to complete the necessary admission applications, scholarship essays, and financial aid information – keeping in mind the necessary deadlines. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed with the tasks at hand, but continue to progress through your to do list.

Below are the tasks you should complete during the month of March:

  • Complete the FAFSA if you haven’t already.
  • If you have completed the FAFSA, watch for e-mail notification that your FAFSA Submission Summary is available and log in to to retrieve it. See the related article for more information about reviewing your FAFSA Submission Summary.
  • Narrow your school choices and make campus visits.
  • Be on the lookout for acceptance letters.
  • Be on the lookout for financial aid information, such as a financial aid offer or award letter.
  • Complete scholarship applications. Use the Scholarship Tracking Worksheet to keep track of the scholarships for which you are applying and those you receive.
  • Start looking for a summer job.
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