Weighted average interest  Calculator

Weighted average interest calculator

Enter your loan information (amounts and interest rates) in the calculator below to calculate your average interest rate.

  • Select the number of loans you have
  • Enter loan balances, do not use commas or dollar signs. For example, enter $1,000 as 1000
  • Enter interest rates as percentages, but do not include the percentage sign. For example, enter 4.5% as 4.5

How many loans do you have? If you have more than 20 loans, add together loans with the same interest rate. If you are married and filed a joint federal tax return, you also can include your spouse's eligible student loans.

Balance Enter the greater of the amount due when your loan initially entered repayment or the amount due today. You can estimate this amount or ask your loan holder.

interest rate
The charge for use of a lender's money for your loan. You can estimate this amount or ask your loan holder.
Loan 1

Annual Interest Rate
Loan 2

Annual Interest Rate
Loan 3

Annual Interest Rate