Tip of the Week

A fitting tribute

My husband’s father passed away suddenly and much too soon.

A recent college graduate just about ready to embark on his own life, my husband faced the task of cleaning out his dad’s university office.

In the midst of his grief, he went through the old files and found one labeled “Bouquets.”

The file was filled with letters and notes from students and parents to his dad, thanking him and letting him know how much his help meant to their lives.

The file was a touching memorial to a man who lived his life serving others and it was a great comfort to my husband and other family members.

It was also a reminder to my husband to create his own “Bouquets” folder. Here are a few reasons why you should create your own:

  • It is a great resource when you need to prepare for a job interview, gather materials for a performance evaluation, or update your resume. Review the letters, emails, or notes to see what impact you have had on your colleagues or those you serve.
  • It can be a great mood-lifter on days when it seems you can’t satisfy anyone. Look at the file to remind yourself that others do appreciate your work.
  • It’s a part of your personal and professional history. It’s a great way for your children or family members to get to know you better.

You’ve probably received a lot of “bouquets” for what you’ve done either in your career or in your personal life. Begin today to create a file of those bouquets.

It may just be what you or someone who loves you needs to see someday.

For all the fathers who care for their families while helping others, Happy Father’s Day.

– By Catherine Mueller

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