Tip of the Week

The real reason to celebrate Memorial Day weekend

It can be difficult to enjoy something if you know it has come about because of the sacrifice of someone else.

That’s why Memorial Day weekend has always been a paradox of sorts for me. Like many people, I’ve look forward to the holiday every year. It’s the official kickoff of summer. We get to spend the weekend going to barbeques, baseball games, or just sitting on the back porch – relaxing and not working.

The conflict comes when I think about the reason for Memorial Day – to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives while serving in the country’s armed forces. It’s hard not to feel a little selfish enjoying the weekend festivities.

When I feel that way, I have to remind myself the reason we are able to celebrate the holiday is because of their sacrifice. I will enjoy the holiday but take time to remember the reason we celebrate. Those who served were willing to give up their lives so we could enjoy our freedom, which includes the luxury of a three-day weekend.

I am eternally grateful for that sacrifice.

– By Catherine Mueller

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