
Mapping Your Future provides webinars on a variety of topics as a service to schools, sponsors, educators, and community organizations.

The links provided above lead to the registration form. The times listed are in Eastern time. If needed, click on “Show in My Time Zone” at the top of the registration page. We will use GoToWebinar for these trainings which can be accessed from any computer.

Webinars On-Demand

Mapping Your Future offers various webinars throughout the year to provide training and address issues facing financial aid and education professionals. Some of these training sessions are offered in partnership with other organizations. If you can’t attend one of our scheduled webinars, we encourage you to take advantage of these on-demand webinars.

Some of the webinars require you to complete a registration form. Those webinars are designated with an asterisk (*)

What financial aid professionals should know about student loan repayment plans
March 20, 2024

Student loan expert Betsy Mayotte of The Institute of Student Loan Advisors (TISLA) provided valuable information to webinar attendees, including detailed information on the various student loan repayment plans and what repayment plan information needs to be included in exit counseling.

Strategies for making the most of scholarship applications
January 30, 2024

When it comes to getting money for college, scholarships can be critical. Even a small scholarship could mean the difference between being able to continue postsecondary education or having to withdraw. This webinar addressed tips and techniques for applying for scholarships and is intended for high school and college students and parents, but high school and college professionals may benefit as well.

Understanding taxes – The basics and beyond
January 17, 2024

To help financial aid professionals with understanding tax returns and to update current knowledge, Carolyn Thomas of Thomas & Associates, CPAs, LLC provided important information and guidance about what you should know when looking at tax returns and tax transcripts, such as understanding who should file returns, the various tax filing statuses, and other important guidelines about earned and unearned income. Educational tax benefits were also discussed.

Completing the 2024-25 FAFSA*
November 14, 2023

Students and parents joined Mapping Your Future for the Completing the 2024-25 FAFSA webinar for guidance on how to complete the newly redesigned FAFSA. The 2024-25 FAFSA represents the first major FAFSA redesign in 40 years. Students and parents received an introduction to the FAFSA and had their FAFSA questions answered.

Get ready for the big changes with the 2024-25 FAFSA*

FAFSA Simplification, which will be implemented with the 2024-25 FAFSA, is the first major redesign of the financial aid process in more than 40 years.
In the webinar, we discussed the upcoming changes to the FAFSA and what those changes may mean for financial aid offices, as well as for students and families. In addition, we shared ideas for promoting FAFSA completion. Financial aid professionals, counselors, and others who are helping those students complete the FAFSA or are managing student verification received the latest instructions and helpful tips.

Strategies for making the most of scholarship applications*
January 26, 2023

When it comes to getting money for college, scholarships can be critical. Even a small scholarship could mean the difference between being able to continue postsecondary education or having to withdraw. This webinar addressed tips and techniques for applying for scholarships and is intended for high school and college students and parents, but high school and college professionals may benefit as well.

Understanding taxes – The basics and beyond
December 7, 2022

To help financial aid professionals with understanding tax returns and to update current knowledge, Carolyn Thomas of Thomas & Associates, CPAs, LLC provided important information and guidance about what you should know when looking at tax returns and tax transcripts, such as understanding who should file returns, the various tax filing statuses, and other important guidelines about earned and unearned income. Educational tax benefits were also discussed.

Completing the 2023-24 FAFSA*
September 29, 2022

Students planning on attending college in the fall of 2023 need to complete the 2023-24 FAFSA to apply for federal financial aid, as well as some state and institutional aid. This training provides guidance on completing the FAFSA for students and parents and answers their FAFSA questions.

Helping students complete the 2023-24 FAFSA and ways to encourage students to complete it*
September 27, 2022

View Mapping Your Future’s 2023-24 FAFSA training for financial aid professionals and others who will be helping students complete the FAFSA. Jennifer Martin, Director, University Financial Aid Compliance at Johns Hopkins University, was the presenter and went through the FAFSA, providing information on changes from last year and a variety FAFSA-related topics. Cathy Mueller also discussed upcoming changes to the FAFSA, as well as ideas for promoting FAFSA completion.

Future Webinars

To stay informed about upcoming webinars, sign up for our Higher Ed News. To suggest future webinar topics, contact the Mapping Your Future staff at feedback@mappingyourfuture.org.