Department outlines process for distributing last year’s unspent campus-based funds

By Marlene Seeklander

Some schools may be in line to receive some additional funding to help their students pay for their education.

The Department of Education announced how they will distribute 2024-25 supplemental award funds for Campus-Based programs.

Supplemental funds are based on the information collected on the Campus-Based Reallocation Forms that were due by August 21 to the Department and are the result of unexpended Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) and Federal Work-Study (FWS) program funds from the previous award year.

The awarding of supplemental funds is outlined below, unless a FEMA-declared disaster occurs that impacts schools as funds may then be awarded to those schools to assist students impacted by the disaster.

FSEOG – Funds are reallocated to schools that show a shortfall in their fair share calculation on the final funding worksheet. Please note that supplemental awards may be very small and not all schools may receive supplemental funds.

FWS – Funds are awarded to schools that have a 2024-25 fair share shortall and requested a supplemental 2024-25 FWS allocation.

Schools receiving supplemental Campus-Based funds will be notified by the end of September via an email to the Financial Aid Administrator listed on the most recent FISAP or listed on the “Demographics” page on COD. The school can then access the Statement of Account via COD.

Schools with questions about the supplemental Campus-Based process can contact the FSA Partner and School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978 or by email at

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