Deadline approaching for Title III or Title V institution designation and waiver of non-federal share of FWS and FSEOG

By Marlene Seeklander

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Students may have a little more access to some federal financial aid programs under a program that waives the institutional funding requirements.

The Department of Education provides a waiver of the non-federal share for the Federal Work Study (FWS) and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs for certain institutions.

A recent Electronic Announcement outlined that institutions designated as Title III or Title V can receive a waiver of the non-federal share requirement for the FWS and FSEOG funds awarded to students for the 2025-26 award year.

Institutions not currently designated as Title III and Title V and wanting to do so must complete the “Application for Designation as an Eligible Institution” by April 7, 2025.

Once the waiver is approved, Federal Student Aid will send a notice to the financial aid administrator.

Institutions can, however, choose to provide a non-federal share and can determine the amount of that share for one or both programs.

This waiver does not include the 50% federal share limitation for FWS wages paid to students employed by a private, for-profit organization, and the 80% federal share for administering the Job Location and Development (JLD) Program.

Questions about Title III or Title V eligibility can be directed to the U.S. Department of Education at the address listed in the Electronic Announcement or by emailing Christopher Smith at or Nemeka Mason-Clercin at

Questions about the Title III or Title V waiver of the FWS and FSEOG non-federal share requirement should be directed to the FSA Partner and School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978 or by emailing

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