It’s time for your micro-vacation, er, I mean break

Now that we’re all enjoying a little quiet time before the students return…

Okay, okay, before you start throwing things and anyone gets hurt, we really know there’s never any quiet time in financial aid or higher education, and this past year has put the exclamation point on that fact.

If you were lucky enough to take a break this summer, it’s more than likely the just-back-from-vacation feeling of relaxation has probably quickly escaped and has been replaced with a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Most financial aid professionals love working in the industry and love working with students. You probably wouldn’t last long if you didn’t. But even people with a passion for this work can get stressed – especially with all the changes, new regulations, technical issues and the pressure to do more with less.

So how do you keep that feeling of calm that comes with vacation? Honestly, it may be tough, but here’s some things you may want to try:

  • Take a brief walk and enjoy some of your outside surroundings. Even in the heat of summer, most college campuses are beautiful.
  • Find a place where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, maybe near a campus water fountain or flower garden. The sound of the water fountain and the beauty of flowers and trees can do wonders for your blood pressure.
  • Get out of the office or at the very least, away from your desk, for lunch. Enjoy the time with a friend or try a new restaurant.
  • Read something you enjoy (not the latest federal regulations) on your break. It’s a great way to escape for a few minutes.
  • Visit a museum on campus or view some student artwork on display when you have the opportunity.

The suggestions are based on the idea of taking little micro-vacations, so you are able to handle the stress of your work. And during all those stressful times, it’s nice to remember the value of our work.

As a financial aid professional, you are helping students get an education – many of whom will change society and the future for the better.

And those quiet times you take for yourself – well, that makes it possible for you to do this important work for students.

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