By Beth Ziehmer

If you plan to live in a dorm for the fall semester, you can start preparing now by knowing what you plan to take with you.
The Mapping Your Future Packing list for college students is available in printable format for your convenience.
When reviewing the packing list, consider how the list fits your needs. You may be able to come home fairly regularly, so you won’t need to take all your cold weather clothing at once. Also, a trip to the store to get a few items after you move in can be a good way to bond with your new friends.
Other considerations include:
- The type of dorm room/suite arrangement you will have. For example:
- If you will have a suite-style room with a bathroom, you will need more paper products and cleaning products.
- If you will have community-style bathrooms down the hall, then consider shower shoes and appropriate cover for walking down the hall.
- If large items are provided already, such as a small refrigerator or a microwave.
- Communicate with your roommate or suitemates to try to coordinate any larger items, such as a TV.
- Review a sample room in person, if possible, or online, so you are aware of the storage available in the room and the layout of the room.
Finally, make sure to review the school’s dorm policies to avoid any disallowed items, like candles, lamps with plastic shades, or bed risers. It will help prevent any issues when you have a room inspection.
Let us know your suggestions for the list at