Higher Ed News
Vol. 17 – Issue 2
FSA Training Center releases new learning tracks
Federal Student Aid is offering more training to help financial aid professionals prepare for and manage the 2025-26 processing cycle.
Federal Loan Servicing Center closures due to hazardous weather conditions
Severe weather and resulting closures are unpredictable, but the Department of Education does have contingency plans.
What does dependent mean for the FAFSA?
Not claimed as a dependent on your parent’s taxes?
Questions to ask yourself before applying for scholarships
Students should apply for as many scholarships as possible.
Four tips to avoid missing important scholarship deadlines
If you don’t meet the deadline, you won’t qualify.
Student eligibility for American Indians born in Canada
Documentation requirements for American Indians born in Canada trying to establish Title IV eligibility may have become somewhat easier.
Reminder regarding misrepresentation by third-party service providers engaged by higher education institutions
Colleges need to ensure that not only are they telling the truth about their institution, but also that any organization – such as online program managers – are doing the same, according to a recent reminder from the Department of Education.
Batch corrections processing timeline update
Schools have to wait a little longer before they can process batch corrections, but the functionality may be on the horizon.
Update on implementation of the NSLDS post-screening functionality for the 2024-25 FAFSA cycle
The NSLDS post-screening functionality has been delayed from the end of 2024 to the spring of 2025.
FVT and GE Debt Reporting Process reopened until mid-February
Schools that were not able to complete their Financial Value Transparency (FVT) and Gainful Employment (GE) Debt Reporting by January 15 now have an additional month to do so.
Student eligibility for SNAP Benefits
College professionals can play a role in helping students succeed by helping them access benefits for which they are eligible.