Higher Ed News

Vol. 16 – Issue 10

Brookings article recommends actions to minimize postsecondary enrollment declines caused by FAFSA problems

Many have predicted the problems with the 2024-25 FAFSA will have an impact on college enrollment this fall.

Accessing the 2024-25 FAFSA may be easier now for those without a Social Security number

The gate restricting entry to the FAFSA for some students and their parents has been opened by the Department of Education.

Reminder to check websites before entering personal information

Unfortunately, we are all the target of online scammers.

Five facts everyone should know about parent student loans

Saving for college can be tough.

Nine reasons why a student wouldn’t ask a parent to provide information on the FAFSA

For most students, applying for financial aid for college is not a solo act.

Resources to help with FAFSA corrections

The Department of Education is emailing students and contributors who still need to make a correction to a 2024-25 FAFSA form, as well as to those who started a form, but did not yet submit it.

A reminder to confirm school identity registration with the federal government

As a part of the process to participate in federal financial aid programs, all postsecondary institutions must regularly renew their registration with the federal government.

Schools required to notify Department about change in ownership

Only a portion of postsecondary institutions are likely impacted by the regulation, but for those that could be affected, compliance is important for continued Title IV funding.

A good life

One of the last times I was with my mother, I took her to the family farm.

Coming soon. . .

Mapping Your Future is revamping its website later this month. Web addresses for some commonly used links might change. Let us know if you have any questions or have specific site features that you use regularly. Keep in touch with the Mapping Your Future Newsroom for updated information.

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