Locate Your Student Loans

It is vitally important to keep track of your student loans!

Student loans can be hard to keep track of at times.

Many student loan borrowers find themselves with accounts serviced at multiple locations, owned by multiple lenders or even guaranteed by several guarantors.

Also, it’s very common for loans to be transferred from one servicer or lender to another.

Not sure who holds (or collects) your federal student loans? The information below may help!

  • U.S. Department of Education’s website for a variety of federal student aid information and services.
  • Contains general information about federal student aid programs, as well as student-specific information through the log in.
  • Access the website with your FSA ID to:
    • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    • Sign a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
    • View your federal financial aid history, including information about the loan servicers for you to contact about your loans
    • Complete Direct Loan entrance or exit counseling
  • If you have never set up an FSA ID, visit studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch.
  • If you don’t remember your username or password, use the appropriate link in the log in box to remind you of your username or to reset your password.
Important note regarding Perkins Loans: 

Contact your school for information about your Federal Perkins Loan. The school acts as a lender, and the loan is made with federal funds.

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