Students begin receiving FAFSA Submission Summaries but can’t make corrections yet

By Catherine Mueller

Wooden tile spelling out FAFSA

The Department of Education began processing FAFSAs in March and some students have received their FAFSA Submission Summaries.

However, if a student needs to correct or update FAFSA information, they’ll need to wait. After announcing that students will be able to make corrections sometime in the first half of April, the Department of Education said this week that students should be able to make corrections soon. In addition, the Department said it will provide instructions on how to make those corrections.

The FAFSA Submission Summary is a summary of all the information provided on the FAFSA and includes the Student Aid Index (SAI), as well as an estimate of federal financial aid eligibility. Students should review the information on the FAFSA Submission Summary and make any necessary corrections.

Students should receive an email notification that they have a FAFSA Submission Summary ready to review or they can log in to their account to check to see if they have a FAFSA Submission Summary available.

The Department said the majority of the corrections involve a missing consent (either from the student or the parent) to transmit tax data from the IRS or a missing signature (also either from a student or parent). Other issues that may need correcting include dependent students choosing to only be considered for eligibility for Direct Unsubsidized Loans or students mistakenly making selections on the form that place them in a provisionally independent status.

In addition to corrections, once the ability to make corrections becomes available, students should be able to update the list institutions they want to receive their FAFSA information, as well as make updates to other questions on the form.

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