Higher Ed News

Vol. 16 – Issue 9

Exit counseling resources available

This spring is likely even busier in your office than “normal.”

Brief outage planned on StudentAid.gov website this weekend

The outage hopefully won’t impact too many students trying to complete the FAFSA, but the Department of Education is planning an outage for the StudentAid.gov website on Saturday, April 27.

Department outlines schools’ responsibilities to ensure service providers meet security certification requirements

In what it said was in response to requests for additional information, the Department of Education this week provided guidance to postsecondary institutions on the information security requirements under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

Upcoming webinar to prepare schools for new reporting requirements

Identifying which students should be included in the new financial value and gainful employment reporting requirements is the purpose of some new reports now available in NSLDS.

Comments sought on proposed program to recognize postsecondary institutions supporting student success

To recognize and perhaps encourage postsecondary institutions to develop student success programs on their campus, the Department of Education is considering a new awards program.

Six things you should check on your FAFSA Submission Summary

After successfully completing your FAFSA, you should celebrate your accomplishment.

The bottom line on financial aid offers

Choosing a college is an important financial decision.

Missing the trees for the forest

The very air we breathe is their gift to us.

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